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U.K. News
House prices still firm
HOUSE prices saw further sharp gains last month although the rate of increase is slowing, the Halifax reported yesterday.
Nov 6, 2003
U.K. News
The Route to the International Property of your Dreams.
Nov 1, 2003
Greek News
Olympic security under scrutiny
Oct 29, 2003
U.K. News
UK - Seller’s Information Pack to be enforced in 2004
Oct 29, 2003
U.K. News
Chancellor Brown faces difficulties in following his ‘Golden Rule’
In Britain, Mervyn King, the Bank of England governor and Gordon Brown, the chancellor, aim to slow down the consumer boom, but the results of such a policy can be far too dangerous.
Oct 27, 2003
Greek News
Plans to allow new hotels
Oct 4, 2003
Greek News
Athens gets Olympic-size facelift
The municipality has earmarked a whopping 3.5 million euros to spruce upthe capital in time to host the 2004 Games
Sep 26, 2003
Greek News
PASOK’s burden
Announcements regarding the legalization of illegally constructed buildings show that the ruling PASOK party is planning to exhaust every possibility for adopting vote-gathering measures in an attempt to reverse the current climate before the next election.
Sep 21, 2003
Greek News
A nod and a wink for illegal homes
As election draws nearer, up to 300,000 buildings promised public utilities; minister objects.
Sep 19, 2003
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Sep 18, 2003
