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Aug 16, 2003
Greek News
Bid to freeze building on islands
Hoping to slam the brakes on a rash of building activity in the Aegean Archipelago by landowners hastening to forestall an anticipated tightening of legislation, the government has ordered a freeze on new construction permits in parts of the Cyclades.
Aug 12, 2003
Useful Links
information center
General information on Greece, how to get there, getting further assistance, business and trade, publications and annual events.
Aug 4, 2003
Greek Islands
The exotic adventure of your dreams
Take a plunge into blue and white. “Kali mera” – you can almost feel the freshness of it on your lips. Each picture taken straight from nature. What more could a person hope for? An old crone sits in the street embroidering. The balcony of a house strewn with tomatoes left to dry. The images conceal themselves, disappear, pop up again. They keep you company in a lane on Athos or in a shadowed arcade. Myths, customs, stories, art. Island and mainland Greece.
Aug 3, 2003
About Greece
General Information about Greece
What is the population of Greece?
The population is around 11 million.
What is the language?
The official language is Greek (Hellenic) but English, French, German and other languages are widely spoken, especially in tourist areas....................
Jul 18, 2003
Frequently Asked Q.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the process of buying property in Greece?
Our company will assist in the whole process of buying property in Greece.
The steps and procedure are described below.
Jul 18, 2003
Other Issues
Other issues about Greece
You could purchase the property:
a. In your own name
b. In the joint names of you and your wife/husband or co-purchaser(s)
c. In your children’s names or in the name of somebody who will eventually inherit the property from you
d. In the name of a company either local or overseas or even an offshore one.
Jul 18, 2003
Financial Issues
Financial issues about Greece
Funds imported for buying a property should be officially documented so that on a subsequent sale the proceeds can be repatriated. Exchange controls are gradually being phased out..............
Jul 18, 2003
Legal Issues
Legal issues about Greece
The Registry of Mortgages is a State Authority where titles to property are kept and where all encumbrances on properties are registered.
Jul 18, 2003
Checklist for acquiring property in greece
The purchaser must approach a lawyer of good repute and ask him / her to search the titles at the Registry of Mortgages and represent him / her to the Public Notary where the contract deed will be signed.
Jul 17, 2003