Statistics in Greece
Tables of statistics
By Antonio Kollaros, domus inc. Real Estate
Jun 19, 2004
Greece comes in the 15th place in the world classification of tourist destinations, receiving 14.179.999 tourists in 2002 (National Statistical Service of Greece, provisional data). The major part (94,3%) are originating from Europe (68,9% from the EU15). By plane came 73,6% of foreign tourists, by sea 5,6%, by road 20,1% and by train 0,6%.
The total number of nights spent in hotel accommodations by foreign and domestic tourists in 2001 (61.567.209) marked a 0,43% increase compared to 2000.
The accommodation capacity of the 8.550 hotels is 330.970 rooms with 628.170 beds (2003). Another 450.000 beds are provided by some 28.000 secondary accommodation establishments. There are also 352 camping sites with 30.241 pitches and 1.005 bungalows.
Besides the Hotel, Restaurants and Catering sector, there are about 8.000 travel agencies, rent-a-car agencies, and yacht-brokers.
Tourism contribution to the GDP is estimated up to 8%. The tourism receipts in 2002 were 10.285 million euros.
Employment in the tourism sector is estimated to reach 10% (6,1% direct employment and 3,9% indirect) of the total employment in Greece.
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